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Your Moving FAQs Answered

RoadStar Moving knows how the moving process can feel like a huge project. With years of experience behind us, we have the insight and answers to all of your FAQs. Located in College Station, TX, our moving services and knowledge are available to residents throughout all of Texas and the lower 48. We do not limit our services to one area. Whether you are moving across the state, out of state, or to your neighboring city, our team is here to help make the moving process as simple and stress-free as possible. To help you prepare for your next move, we have answered some frequently asked questions about our services and the moving process. Reach out to us today if you have any other questions that we would be happy to answer.

Why Do I Need to Include All Details About My Move?

Telling us all the details about your move, including what items are being moved and how we can access your home, is vital in order for us to give you an accurate estimate of our services. You must disclose to us what items are being moved and what the easiest method of accessing your home is. This allows us to have a better idea of how much work will need to be done in order to move all of your belongings. Including these details allows us to ensure that the estimate you have been given is as close to the actual amount that you will need to pay.

Can You Tell Me Exactly How Much My Move Will Cost Me?

There are many variables involved with a move. Each moving situation is unique in its own way, which makes it difficult for us to provide an exact quote on the services that will be used. We strive to ensure that we are as close to the actual payment as possible when giving out estimates. The more information you provide about your move, the closer the amount will be to what the estimated amount is. In certain situations, we are able to provide a Not to Exceed price, meaning that the amount you are expected to pay does not exceed a certain number.

How Far in Advance Do I Need to Book My Move?

The sooner you call us, the better it is. We prefer that you give us at least a two-week notice before your move. For our team, the end of the month is the busiest time for moving. It is vital that you contact us as soon as you have planned your move so that we have ample time to schedule and ensure that you get the proper services you need. Often, people prefer to move on weekends, so if your schedule allows you to move during the week, we can accommodate that more easily and on shorter notice.

Are You Licensed and Insured?

We are professional movers licensed by both the state and federal governments. We are fully insured at a level above the required state and federal minimums.

What Is Your Delivery Range?

Our team will move and deliver your items to any location within the lower 48 states. No matter where you are going in this area, we will get you and your belongings there safely and efficiently.

Do You Pack My Belongings, or Should I Do It?

We provide comprehensive packing services at great rates. If you want our team to pack your items for you, you will have to let us know when you book your move with us. When you choose to pack your own belongings, it is important that all of your items are packed and ready to go prior to our arrival on your move day. Please make sure that your boxes are filled from top to bottom and side to side. Each box should be sealed with tape on the top and bottom.

Do You Have Moving Pads, Wrapping Supplies, Dollies, and Straps for the Job?

We have all of the supplies that could possibly be needed for the move. Our trucks are equipped with all the necessary dollies and equipment to ensure that your move is a success. When needed, we will cover furniture items with moving pads and stretch wrap and then secure them with straps to make sure that they stay safe and intact during transportation.

How Do You Charge for Breaks?

Every lunch and rest break will be deducted from your final move time, so you don’t have to worry about paying for downtime.

Is It Customary to Tip the Movers?

It is customary to tip movers; however, it is not required. We believe that you should tip our movers only if you are happy with their service and performance.

Are the Movers Employees and Are They Background Checked?

All of our movers are employees of RoadStar Moving. Every employee that we have has passed a background check to ensure safety and quality services. We do not outsource our employees and we do not pay for day laborers or other outside labor. You can trust that our team is fully capable of providing the best Texas moving experience possible.

Do You Perform On-Site Estimates?

We do provide on-site estimates for those who desire them. For bigger moves, such as commercial moves, we will send one of our friendly estimators to survey the move site and document the details. If you are dealing with a larger-sized move, perhaps a three-bedroom home or a commercial site, you can contact our team to set up an on-site visit.

Moving Services You Can Trust

If you are preparing for your next big move, whether it be a residential or commercial move, our team of professionals will make your moving experience an easy one. We provide packing services in addition to moving services so that you don’t even need to pack your own boxes. We provide free estimates to our customers so that they know about how much they will need to pay for our reliable services. Our business boasts awesome rates so that you can get the most out of your money and your move. RoadStar Moving strives to change your moving experience by providing one you can trust, rely on, and be satisfied with. No matter where you are located in Texas and no matter where you are moving to, our team will get you and your items there safely.

Contact Our Moving Experts Today