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Packing Tips for Moving in Bryan-College Station, TX

When it comes to packing up your home or business, RoadStar Moving has you covered. We are here to help you get where you are going, no matter the complexity of your transition. To empower confident moving experiences, we’ve compiled the best professional packing tips for moving in Bryan-College Station, TX.

Packing Suggestions for an Easier Move by RoadStar Moving

Create a Strategic Packing Plan

Developing a strategic packing plan is among the most critical packing tips. To start, create a digital folder that includes a room list, projected packing timeline, and room-by-room inventories. Next, pack less-frequented rooms and closets before moving on to primary spaces, such as the kitchen or bedroom.

Start a Donation Pile

There is no sense in packing items that will not be used in your new home. Rather than take the time to pack away unused items, consider creating a donation pile. These donations may include clothing you no longer wear, excess cookware, books, or even furniture.

Sort Your Belongings by Category

When you arrive at your new home, the last thing you want to deal with is trying to access essential belongings. That’s why it’s important to sort and pack your belongings by category. With our room-to-room packing process, you can group similar items into the same boxes and label them for easy finding later.

Use the Right Size Boxes & Suitcases

To safeguard your possessions, prioritize high-quality boxes in multiple sizes. Books and heavy objects are best suited for smaller boxes to eliminate lifting challenges, whereas lightweight pillows and linens can be packed into large boxes. You may also consider wheeled suitcases to move heavier belongings effectively without strain.

Invest In Heavy-Duty Tape, Labels, & Packing Materials

Invest in heavy-duty tape, labels, and packing materials, and eliminate the guesswork of unpacking and the risks associated with flimsy moving materials. To accommodate all sorts of personal items, fragile objects, and heavy belongings, we recommend:

  • Durable moving tape
  • Labels and markers
  • Bubble wrap and/or packing paper

Load Boxes According to the Weight of Your Items

Appropriately packing your boxes is only half the battle. Once they’re packed, it’s important to pay careful attention to how they are loaded. To prevent damage to your belongings, always load heavier boxes first to ensure they are at the bottom and work upwards so the lightest boxes are on top.

Avoid Leaving Empty Spaces in Your Boxes

In the moving world, empty box space is a no-go. When a box is not fully packed, it becomes unstable and off-balance. This can result in damage or hassle during the transition process. As such, always fill your boxes and eliminate any leftover space using packing paper or bubble wrap.

Do Not Club Items From Different Rooms Into One Box

If you have a half-empty box, you may be inclined to grab some items from another room to fill it up. However, we advise against this commonly seen moving mistake. To stay organized and streamline your unpacking process, do not club items from different rooms into one box.

Clearly Label Your Boxes

Whether you’re working with movers or carrying out your move with friends, labels are a game-changer. Clear labels help your moving team know where to place each box. This not only makes for a more efficient moving experience but also facilitates your unpacking process by awarding you easy access to the items you’re looking for.

Special Care for Kitchen Packing

Kitchens house the majority of your fragile items. As such, packing these essential spaces calls for special care, including:

  • Individually wrap dishes with packing paper before bundling them
  • Do not lay dishes flat; place them sideways
  • Place bubble wrap/packing paper at the bottom, top, and in between each layer of dishes
  • Use cardboard dividers

Grab a Cooler

Unless you’ve managed to use up all of your food and beverages before moving day, you will need to transfer perishable items. We recommend securing a couple of coolers before moving day. This facilitates last-minute fridge and freezer packing and keeps everything cold to ensure you do not waste food, drinks, or money.

How to Pack Your TV

Replacing a broken TV is not something anyone looks forward to. To protect your TV during your move, we recommend storing it in its original box or a similar-sized box. To reinforce the security of the TV box, wrap it with quilted moving blankets/pads and ensure it remains upright.

Disassemble & Reassemble Wires With Ease

Taking apart electronics and wires is easy. Reassembling these components can be a headache. To avoid unnecessary stress, photograph your wires and connections prior to disassembly. This will provide you with a roadmap on how to put them back together once you are settled into your new home.

Simplify Your Move with RoadStar Moving

At RoadStar Moving, we aim to eliminate the stigma around moving companies. Unlike traditional, impersonal moving services, we employ the highest standards of care for each project we take on. With the best industry practices, courteous professionals, and a commitment to quality, entrust your belongings to Bryan-College Station’s premier moving company.

Learn More About Moving Houses & Packing Tips

Whether you’re seeking additional moving house packing tips or gearing up for a big move, RoadStar Moving has you covered. With years of expertise, we are your source for moving and packing services in Bryan-College Station, TX. For moving packing tips or to request an estimate, contact our team today.

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