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Reliable Residential Moving Services

Whether you are moving into your first home, across the state, or down the street, RoadStar Moving can help you get there. We proudly offer reliable residential moving services in Bryan College Station and throughout Texas. No matter where your destination is in the lower 48 states, our moving team is equipped with the necessary skills, tools, vehicles, and knowledge to make your move smooth and easy. Regardless of how big your home is or how much you are moving, we will take care of it all. Our moving team stays conscious of the status of each of your personal items to ensure that everything is cared for properly on the move. We know everything that fills your home is important to you, which is why our team is made up of movers who care. We will treat your belongings as if they are our own.

loading a bed frame into the moving truck

The Initial Walk-Through

When it is time to move you and your belongings, we will arrive on time and with the appropriate moving trucks, supplies, and equipment necessary to make the move happen. Our team will do a walk-through of your home with you by our side so that we know exactly what to take and what stays. This walk-through is important for us to plan the order that things will be moved and if there are any items that need special attention. We will confirm with you that the estimate you have been provided with is accurate, and then we will have you sign a contract so that we can get started on the moving process.

How We Protect Your Belongings

Our team guarantees that we will care for all of your home’s items throughout the move and treat them with the utmost respect. As a family-owned business, we know how important it is to ensure that all of your furniture, clothing, appliances, and everything else arrives safely and intact at your new home. We will pad, band, and, if needed, use shrink wrap on all the necessary items in order to protect them during transportation. Our movers will arrive at your house with the necessary tools that are needed to disassemble and reassemble any furniture for the moving process. We guarantee that your belongings will be protected to the best of our ability.

No Move Is Too Big or Small

No matter how big or small your current home is, we are prepared to move you. Whether you are currently living in a studio apartment or a large estate, we will ensure that your belongings are moved, packed accordingly, and transported safely. We will arrive with the right number of vehicles and the necessary amount of space for all the items in your home. No job is too big or too small for our team of expert movers.

Book Your Move Today

When it is time to plan your next residential move, we are the team that you need on your side. We have spent decades in business and the moving industry working with people just like you. Our family-owned business is fully equipped and prepared to help make the moving process as simple as possible and take the stress out of it for you. When you trust our team with your belongings, you won’t regret it. We take the time to ensure that everything is packed correctly and safely so that you and your belongings arrive safely at your new home’s destination. Reach out to our team today to start planning your next move.

Contact Our Moving Experts Today