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Track Our Truck™ – Real-Time GPS Tracker

What are the most frustrating things about a long-distance or interstate move? Most people say that it’s finding a reputable residential moving company and trusting them to get their belongings safely from one city or state to another. At RoadStar Moving, we have a revolutionary, state-of-the-art solution: we have developed a mobile technology called Track Our Truck™.

Track Our Truck™ gives our clients the ability to use real-time GPS tracking to follow their moving truck on its journey. Using the Track Our Truck™ system is like tracking your journey on Uber or Lyft or following along with your DoorDash driver as they pick up and deliver your food order. Our real-time GPS tracker will take the guesswork and anxiety out of planning a long-distance or out-of-state move, or even a short move right across town, as you can immediately see where our residential moving truck is on its journey to your new home.

Real-Time GPS Tracking for Residential Moves in Texas

Track Our Truck

Track Our Truck™ offers real-time GPS tracking for clients who hire us for residential moving services in Bryan and College Station, and across Texas. We understand that any kind of move can be stressful, and our goal is to ease your anxiety about hiring a moving company to transport your belongings to your new home.

Our team of experienced, qualified, and honest movers gives our clients the power to track our every move. We have such trust in our team that we have placed GPS trackers on our trucks so that you can follow along with their journey from start to end. You’ll enjoy peace of mind knowing your belongings are safely on their way to you.

Text Message Updates and Reliable Communication

As part of our Track My Truck™ technology, we also offer regular text message updates on the status of your move through a dedicated daily link. Stay in contact with our residential movers and enjoy consistent, reliable two-way communication so that you know exactly what is going on throughout their journey.

Enjoy a Stress-Free Move

Whether you’re moving within the Bryan-College Station area, from one Texas city to another, or from Texas to another state, our reliable residential movers are here for you. We are known for our hassle-free moving services, and we will make sure your belongings are safely and carefully transported from one place to another without delay or damage. We are professional movers who care! Call us to request an estimate or learn more about our residential moving services:

Why Choose RoadStar Moving

Our team at RoadStar Moving operates our business with honesty and integrity and is open and transparent about our pricing. We are consistently evolving and changing to meet the needs of our community, and we take customer feedback and suggestions seriously. Our licensed, insured, and highly trained movers will treat your belongings like their own and treat you with respect. We work efficiently and carefully to minimize stress and inconvenience throughout the moving process. You can rely on us to facilitate an efficient, stress-free move so that you can relax and enjoy your new home.

Get an Estimate for Your Long-Distance Move

Are you planning an interstate or long-distance move to Texas? Our team at RoadStar Moving can help. We are the best-rated residential moving company in the state because of our attention to detail, quality customer service, experience, and integrity. Our movers are highly trained and experienced and will treat your belongings with care. We will be with you throughout each step of your journey to answer your questions, give you updates, and make sure your move is seamless and stress-free. Call us now or request an estimate online for your local or long-distance move.

Contact Our Moving Experts Today